Christian's Top Priorities

Equity & Black Student Achievement

Protect and expand equitable educational strategies that provide  targeted investments needed to support students with the greatest needs. LAUSD must place greater urgency on enuring full and successful implementation of initiatives like the Black Student Achievement Plan (BSAP) and services available to schools through Student Equity Needs Index (SENI) funding allocations.


Cultivate innovative educational strategies and practices that actually prepares students to drive social and economic transformation needed for themselves and their communities. Furthermore, LAUSD must re-commit to providing more expansive learning opportunities that include trade apprenticeships and financial literacy. 

Shared Decision Making

Build out more meaningful parent and family engagement opportunities that include real decision-making power. LAUSD must refine existing parent engagement spaces and practices to make them more practical, inclusive, and accessible.


Empower school administrators, educators, and staff to drive students success through academic rigor, social emotional supports, culturally relevant project-based learning. LAUSD must work to  provide a wealth of trainings, resources, and adequate planning time to ensure administrators, educators, and staff can effectively explore and master new curricula and teaching methods. 


Ensure greater accountability for staff, faculty, & administrators toward the fulfillment of student and family centered goals.

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